Friday, January 11, 2013

Former IRS Special Agent EXPOSES Government Tax Scam | Do you have to pay taxes? Former IRS Special Agent Joe Banister EXPOSES Government Tax Scam. Website for more info…

First they came for…

Many have heard the famous words attributed to German Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemoller: “When Hitler attacked the Jews, I was not a Jew, therefore, I was not concerned…[etc., etc.]“.

If you were a German in pre-World War II Germany and you had the chance to stop Hitler before he began his campaign of terror against his countrymen and the world, including imprisoning and murdering millions of people, would you have done something to stop it?  How would you have felt if you could have done something to stop it and didn’t?

Well, right here in America we are inching ever so closely to the same scenario – and at lightning-fast speed.  Yes, it not only “could happen here” but it IS happening here!  On New Year’s Eve Barack Obama signed the “NDAA” bill, which includes provisions to indefinitely detain American citizens without trial, and is opposed by all sides of the political spectrum.  And now, a U.S. Army document has been leaked that lays out an explicit plan for relocating Americans to camps located on U.S. soil.

If you are reading this post, you ARE in the same position as a pre-Hitler, pre-World War II German and you have not only the opportunity but arguably a greater ability to prevent history from repeating itself.  Read this article for more information and please, please wake up and speak up while you still can!

Read how this former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent realized it was time for him to speak up.

Watch this former IRS Criminal Investigation Division Special Agent’s video testimony as to how he has worked to expose the lies the IRS has told to the American people about their true liability for filing income tax returns and paying the federal income tax. | Do you have to pay taxes? Former IRS Special Agent Joe Banister EXPOSES Government Tax Scam. Website for more info… First they came for… Many have heard the famous words attributed to German Lutheran Pastor Martin Niemoller : “When Hitler attack ...

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